Water Bowl for Russian Tortoise

Water Bowl for Russian Tortoise

Although you want to soak a Russian tortoise three to four times a week, water is very important to ensure that your tortoise is fully hydrated. Make sure that there is a water bowl in the enclosure. Your tortoise may get thirsty when it’s not time for a warm soak.

You can find many water bowls for reptiles. The easiest and cheapest water bowl for Russian tortoise is a plant saucer. For baby Russian tortoises, put the plant saucer in the substrate so that it is easy to get in. You may need to add stones inside the saucer to make getting out easy.

Terra cotta plant saucers are the cheapest, but they are not the easiest to clean aren’t the easiest to clean. They’re porous. Plastic plant saucers work great, but will need to be replaced, every so often, as they will crack. If you want a safe and durable water bowl for Russian tortoise, check out these water bowls.

When buying a water bowl for a small tortoise, look for shallow, safe and easy to clean.

Zoo Med Rock Food and Water Dish

The Zoo Med Rock food dish is a low-profile water dish that is easy to clean and safe. It is made of a smooth, non-porous surface to prevent bacteria growth.

Measures approximately 10 x 8 x 0.88 inches

zoo med water dish tortoise

Leaf Water Bowl

The Pranovo leaf food and water bowl comes as a two-pack. Both dishes are shallow, giving Russian tortoises easy access to eat and drink. The bowls are light, so place them in a corner or tape them to a wall to keep them secure.

  • Large Bowl measures approximately 6.4 x 4.9 x 0.7 inches
  • Small Bowl measures approximately 4.2 x 3.7 x 0.5 inches
leaf reptile food and water bowl

Reptile Water Bowl

Made with a high-quality resin, this food bowl is safe and sturdy. The low sides make it easy for small Russian tortoises to access their food or water.

Measures approximately 7 x 5.5 x 0.3 inches.

Pets Feeding Plate Reptile Feeding Bowl

Zoo Med Ramp Water Bowl

The Zoo Med ramp bowl is commonly sold by pet store employees. They’ll tell you that the dish is perfect for tortoises. The ramp makes it easy for the tortoise to get in. BUT the ramp is steep and can cause tortoises to flip. The Zoo Med Ramp Water Bowl is NOT safe for small tortoises. An adult Russian tortoise may be fine using a ramp water bowl, but it is not recommended for baby Russian tortoises nor small Russian tortoises.


I have over 20 years of experience working with, raising and breeding reptiles and amphibians ranging from lizards, geckos, frogs and tortoises. I have over 15 years working specifically with tortoises, including Russian tortoises, sulcatas and red footed tortoises.