Is Pumpkin a De-wormer for Russian Tortoises

Is Pumpkin a De-wormer for Russian Tortoises

Russian tortoises can contract different types of worms. If you’re looking for a natural de-wormer for your tortoise, you’ll likely come across pumpkin as an option.

Pumpkin Seeds or Pumpkin Meat

There are many different references about using pumpkin as a natural de-wormer for Russian tortoises. Depending on who you ask, it’s the seeds or the meat. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough scientific data that proves natural dewormers like pumpkin has any measurable benefit.

However, Native American tribes used pumpkin seeds to heal wounds, cure kidney ailments AND as a parasitic treatment for people.

And, it makes sense that the seeds would help rid the body of worms. Most seeds contain poisons that keep them from being eaten. The toxins in the seeds supposedly kill worms.

It’s thought that the toxins in pumpkin seeds are most effective on tapeworms and internal parasites. Tapeworms are actually rare in tortoises. Nonetheless, some studies have shown pumpkin can reduce worm and parasite population in lab animals. Pumpkin may not be the most effected de-worming agent.

Can Tortoises EAT Pumpkin Seeds?

Absolutely. For smaller tortoises, you’ll want to chop up or grind pumpkin seeds. For larger, adult Russian tortoises, they can actually swallow pumpkin seeds.

However, if you’re going to try to use pumpkin as a de-wormer, you need to grind the pumpkin seeds or else the tortoise will just digest the seed and pass it semi-whole. You want to use raw seeds.

pumpkin for russian tortoise

You can offer pumpkin meat and ground seeds once in a while. Because it’s not a great staple for Russian tortoises, limit the amount of pumpkin you do offer. If you think that it will help keep worms and parasites in your tortoise at a minimum, offer once every few months as a worm prevention. Although, you do not need to worm your Russian tortoise regularly.

How to Treat Worms in Russian Tortoises

The best way to treat worms in Russian tortoises is to have a veterinarian diagnose the type of worm that your tortoise has. In most cases, the veterinarian will prescribe Panacur. Typically treatment will last a few days with a follow-up dose in a week or two.

Other Benefits to Feeding Pumpkin to Tortoises

Besides feeding pumpkin as a natural dewormer, pumpkin is a superfood. Pumpkin is highly nutritious and rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and beta carotene. Pumpkin is also a good source of vitamin E, iron and folate, as well as antioxidants.

However, pumpkin meat can also be used an a natural laxative. If your tortoise is a little stopped up, you can mush up the pumpkin meat and offer it with the regular diet for a meal or two. Or you can mix the mushed pumpkin with warm water and soak the Russian tortoise in the mix.


I have over 20 years of experience working with, raising and breeding reptiles and amphibians ranging from lizards, geckos, frogs and tortoises. I have over 15 years working specifically with tortoises, including Russian tortoises, sulcatas and red footed tortoises.